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Nutritionist Pay As Well As Career Information

By Brian Bell

The most important thing to consider before choosing a career to pursue, is interest in a particular field coupled with the ability of the person. What they end up choosing should be something they like and enjoy doing. The second one which is also of importance is what you get paid when you have joined the career. When studying to become a nutritionist, you want to know what the Dietitian Salary will be, so that you know what you will be taking home after successfully completing your studies.

Dietitians play a crucial role in society by helping common men and women make the right choices on the foods they consume. Further, these nutrition professionals also make presentations to the community as well as aid in determining the type of foods that should be contained in packaged meals and also the food types served in hotels and restaurants. The workplace for most of these professionals include hospitals, nursing homes, and in majority of medical clinics,

Normally, people find it difficult to make even slight adjustments in foods that they ingest, and this is because of cultural factors. People are also emotionally and sentimentally attached to some foods, which makes it even harder for them to stop eating them. Being able to adjust to new healthy diets will therefore require professional help from dietitians.

In America and other developed countries, the problem of obesity has been rampant, forcing governments to spend a lot of money in campaigns to control type 2 diabetes, of which several members of the populace, particularly children and young people, have been diagnosed with. Obesity is brought about by several factors, key among them being lack of education concerning proper nutrition, unhealthy eating, and lack of exercise.

Poor people living in downtown urban areas across the whole of the US do not have adequate access to nutritional foods due to the fact that grocery stores are not near them. What they do is buy the food they need from convenience stores, as well as from minimarts which are normally higher priced. Also, poor people who reside in rural areas do not always have access to grocery stores, and consequently nutritional foods. Dietitians can be called to bridge this gap of nutrition for these groups of populations.

To join this profession, one needs to have a bachelor degree either in dietetics, food science or in a related field like biology. To operate as a nutritional expert, most states will require certification and licensure. Some states will however allow one to operate even when they do not have license but there is only so much title they can carry.

There are requirements that must be fulfilled before one can fully be registered as dietitian, and these include sitting and passing an examination administered by the Dietetic Registration Board and also successfully completely internship that is properly supervised. Renewal of certification occurs after every five years.

Dietitian salary is not uniform across the board, and varies depending on the sector that you work in. However, the national average in the US is $53812 per year. More opportunities, it is projected, will be in the food industry, hospitals, nursing homes and in outpatient care centers. As of now, there are over 60,000 members working in this industry in America and a modest growth is also expected in the sector in the next 10 years.

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