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The Advantages Of Using A Vitamin D Spray

By Patrice McCoy

Using Vitamin D spray is an easy way to ensure sufficient intake of this valuable nutrient. It is estimated that fifty percent of the population fall short of the recommended daily intakes. Dietary sources are restricted to just a few foods and cannot supply all of the body's needs. Sardines, mackerel and liver, all foods rich in D vitamins, are simply not eaten regularly enough.

It is possible to compensate for this dietary deficiency through exposure to sunlight, as this enables the body to synthesize its own supplies. Even so, few people spend enough time outdoors for this to take place. Often when they do spend time in the sun they wear high factor sunscreens, thus preventing manufacture from occurring. The problem is compounded for those living in northern latitudes where daylight time is short and the sun's rays are not as strong.

The solution is to take a supplement. However, some supplements are more readily absorbed than others. Sprays are effective because they bypass the lengthy and inefficient process of gut absorption. Instead the micro-emulsified solution can be applied directly beneath the tongue. Here it is instantly taken up into the bloodstream ensuring no loss occurs during the absorption process.

It is incredibly simple to use these sprays. They are highly portable as they can be tucked neatly into purses and pockets. They can be used whenever they are needed. This is good news for people who find it difficult to swallow without a glass of water. A single pump action can deliver a precise and effective measure of the supplement. Unlike pills and capsules there is no need for unnecessary bulking and binding agents.

Few people question the importance of D vitamins in assisting a healthy bone structure. They have a fundamental role to play in ensuring the body can take up and make efficient use of calcium. Severe deficiency can result in rickets and bone weakening. Those with poor intake are also more likely to suffer from osteoporosis in later years. Yet, this nutrient is now being recognized for the positive part it plays in defending the body against a whole host of ailments.

Promising studies have been undertaken demonstrating the possible beneficial effects of this vitamin in preventing and halting the progression of some forms of cancer. Whilst a daily supplement, it has been suggested, can help to keep cold and flu viruses at bay. Conversely, low levels have been implicated in many cases of heart disease and hypertension. Lack of the nutrient is now also thought to play a role in auto-immune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

At present there is some debate over optimal dosage. A daily intake of 1000 international units is considered to be a realistic goal, though some nutritionists would like to see the bar set much higher for those with exceptionally low levels in the bloodstream. Those thought to be at most risk from deficiency include the elderly, those who are overweight, vegans, and people with darker skins. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to increase their intake.

In truth, most people could probably benefit from ensuring they have adequate intake of this important nutrient. Those with concerns should consult a qualified medical practitioner to assess their needs. A vitamin D spray is a quick and easy way for people to take a supplement.

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