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3 Winning Fitness Motivation Principles for Women

By Garry Squartz

The two areas of concern for women about any fitness program are the physical aspect and the mental part of motivation. Overcoming the inertia of doing nothing to actually begin a fitness routine is the perhaps the hardest part. You certainly need a high level of motivation to take charge of your health and actually do something. There is no rule that states you have to accept your present health or physical appearance if you need to shed pounds. Staying motivated once you've begun offers a new set of challenges, though. Here are effective strategies to help women maintain their fitness motivation.

If maintaining your forward momentum is becoming increasing difficult, you should consider a different approach. Try setting up a performance based reward system for yourself. Look at it as positive reinforcement. Treating yourself to a healthy reward for completing your entire workout routine even doing an indoor cycling workout as planned is a good example. This treat could be stopping by a healthy sports drink bar for something tasty. You could also choose to reward reaching your goal by indulging in a nice hot bubble bath that evening. Stick with the creative rewards of your choice for meeting performance goals.

Anywhere you look, you'll find that a minority of people rise to the top and seem to achieve success at whatever they attempt. You may also have noticed that such high achievers have certain types of personalities and personal qualities. Being completely committed to their goals is one such characteristic. Their commitment is strong enough that they don't let any setbacks or challenges hinder them. They simply keep going; no matter what happens -they keep going. When it seems like their world is falling apart all around them... yes, they keep going. That is an attitude, mindset, and behavior that you can develop in yourself. You want to get to the point where quitting or giving up is no longer an option.

Women commonly experience the effects of over training. When you are highly motivated and nothing seems to stop you, you run the risk of being slowed down by over training. Training too much is similar to burn-out, and it can be frustrating if you do not see it happening right away. You will notice a feeling of the thrill being gone more than before.

Taking a break for intense workouts can easily fix this problem. The best thing is to listen to your body and slow down. Your body will let you know when it's time to get back into it.

Women have issues with fitness motivation because of their varying needs and considerations. There is nothing implied about better or anything like that with regard to men, just different. How a woman approaches maintaining a positive state of mind needs to take such differences into consideration. When you run into motivation issues, it may help to research what other women have done to keep their focus and motivation.

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